Three Methods for Work Life Balance

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Everyone needs time to transition from work time to personal time. Think about this in terms of driving a car. If you change the gears too fast, the gears don’t mesh. They grind.

Your family and friends will notice that you’re still “at work” if you fail to draw a line in the sand between your work time and your personal time. It grinds their emotional gears.

Find your work life balance by using the methods I teach in this short video.

Action Steps:

  1. You can use a commute to transition from work to personal time. Instead of listening to work related things when you’re in the car, listen to something that addresses your personal interests.
  2. Many people exercise at the end of their work day. This will give you more energy for the remainder of the day, too.
  3. You can also use a hobby to help make a mental transition. I play video games for 30 minutes a day after work every single day. Find something that works for you regardless of how silly it seems.
  4. Please share other ideas for transition activities in the comment section below.

Principles to Learn:

  1. Transition activities help your mind make the mental switch from work time to personal time.
  2. Transition activities can help you improve your work life balance by telling your mind “it’s time to stop working!”
  3. There are many ways to “power down” from your work day.

Tired of those 12-hour workdays? What if there was a simple formula to double your productivity by working fewer hours? Find freedom with a free copy of Dave's new book, The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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